Monday, November 2, 2009

Grand Opening

So little time, so much to do, but …the grand opening went off without a hitch! With limited time to execute upon returning from Quilt Market…I think I can safely say it was, all in all, a SUCCESS! It was such an amazing feeling for all of us at The Fabric Fairy to finally meet so many of our Madison area friends with whom we had only connected with online prior to this, as well as to meet new local sewers and crafters. We had people coming from as far away as neighboring states, and as close as down the street! I think the best part was seeing how excited everyone was when they walked in and saw our setup!

The party was in our new CREATE StudioLounge. With six shiny new sewing machines perched along the windowed wall, a sitting area w/couches (perfect for sorting through our enormous swatch collection and selecting fabrics, perusing one of the crafting books in our lending library while sipping tea, or just chatting with friends), a colorful children's play area, project tables, and shelves of tempting fabric, patterns and embellishments, its truly a treat for the senses!...THEN, we would take guests on a sneak peak tour of the back room where we cut and ship, and there were audible gasps! Yes, we have a thing for fabric, and we find it hard to say no to purchasing something we love!

It was an exciting day with TONS of yummy food (Sammy and Bethie were so excited that I brought home leftover of the chocolate covered strawberries!), a sewing project, an embroidery demonstration, a drawing for an ENORMOUS pile of fabric, and local artists-Prettifications and Storyline Design showing their original work and doing some demonstrations as well. I was thrilled to see that there was a lot of anticipation for the upcoming crafting and sewing Iessons and birthday parties. I'm pretty sure everyone went home and crashed…I know the PJ’s went on soon as I stepped foot in the door!

Thank you to everyone who helped put the event together and to all of our new friends! We hope that you visit often, craft, sew, and lounge around with us!


  1. waaah. i hate being so far away! sso, whens the forum? its the only lifeline i have.....what a neat store.....its a dream come true -- chocolate and strawberries, of all things - right there near the fabric!!! ~sniffle~

    laurel and the little sprites

  2. Hooray! Sounds like a wonderful day!

  3. Cool! The table looked very pretty :) congrats on being a succes
