Thursday, November 19, 2009


The approach of Thanksgiving always makes me think about how much I have in my life to be grateful for: 4 awesome kids who mostly get along, and whom I genuinely like; an incredible husband who is my rock; the ability to lose myself in creating and the time to do it; and the new opportunities that keep presenting themselves to me, and allow me to grow in the vocation I am passionate about--helping people create and appreciate aesthetics, teaching them techniques and skills to do so, and tickling their imagination. I am also incredibly appreciative for the support my online friends and customers (although often its hard to separate the two) have given me as I've made my way along the journey of opening and growing The Fabric Fairy--I seriously have the BEST customers.

What are you thankful for this year? Leave a comment sharing your thoughts, so we can all appreciate more of the often un-noticed miracles in life. The most thought provoking response provided by Tuesday, 11/24 will win a $20 gift certificate to The Fabric Fairy!


  1. I am thankful for a roof over my head, food on my table and a family that loves me. <3

  2. I too am thankful for family-my daughter especially, is a treasure I am grateful for every day.
    I am thankful that I finally have found a way to express my creativity with the handmade bags I make, and that by doing so (with my Etsy shop and blog) I have been able to connect with so many wonderful people.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I am thankful for many things this year but most thankful for my family. I have a family that is very close, even though right now we are far apart. My dad is in Montana running the ranch and taking care of his father who has congestive heart failure, my mom is apart from my dad while she finishes her Masters Degree in Flagstaff, AZ so that maybe it will give my dad the opportunity to retire and my sisters all live in different areas as well. But this does not stop us from loving and supporting each other. I know matter what happens in my life that any and/or all of them will always come to my rescue and I to theirs. I know in my heart that God has a plan for us and we will be able to live nearer to each other soon, my husband is going through a medical board for the Air Force right now and possible getting discharged or retired. Thankfully for us we know that we have a place to land whatever the decision might be. My life would be nothing without family!

  4. I have been very aware of the brevity of our time here on earth lately. I spent much of the last year caring for my mom who had a brain tumor. She was optimistic throughout the ordeal, even though we all knew that the odds were against her. She was only 64 when she died in August - 20 years older than I am. 20 years doesn't seem very long in that context... I'm thankful that I have my health, a regular paycheck, and my family behind me as I work on making every day count.

  5. I am thankful for a God who has brought us through the rough year of: finances, my brother having his arm amputated after an injury at work but having such a positive attitude, my husband witnessing the accident and mentally wrapping his head around it and the children staying healthy in this flu season. Without God's strength NOTHING is impossible and for that...I am forever humbly thankful. ♥

  6. I'm thankful for Life. This year my husband returned from Iraq and I birthed my first child. There is a deep appreciation for the basic honor of living and experiencing it all: the pain, the intense joy, the boredom, the little smiles - all of it!

  7. I am thankful for my family, most of all, my husband who has helped me through the last several months, as we are trying to start a family. I was looking to our first real holiday "plus baby", and after this summer, there is no longer going to be a "and baby makes three..."

  8. I am seriously thankful for having a roof over my head in this time of scary economic uncertainty. I live in a fairly rural area (lots of farms, horses and buggies) but whenever I go into Philly or NY I see so many homeless people and people living in their cars... it is scary, eye opening and makes me feel truly blessed to have a home, with heat and wonderful neighbors and friends that I like and see all the time. And my sunny dining room with it's large table to sew on!

  9. I am thankful for people the Lord puts in my path. People and our relationships with them are life's most blessed treasure. My favorite quote, "Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness." -Seneca This Thanksgiving I will be seeking the company of others and hoping to find opportunities for kindness.

  10. It's hard to sum up just what I'm grateful and thankful for just for this year as I truly feel soooo thankful on a daily basis for all I have in my life. I'm forever grateful for the gift of my family--my 3 children who have taught me more than I think I could ever teach them (I have leanred so much about patience, unconditional love, about myself, etc.), my husband who is my "grounder;" my loving, loving parents; my sister--life is not complete without a sister; and all the warm and inspiring relationships I have in my life. :) I'm thankful for the ability to help others. I am thankful for the abundance, simple pleasures, opportunities for growth, and life lessons that the universe has provided me with--yes, even the worst instances in life, have turned out to be amazing lessons. I'm thankful to all the resources that the earth, though struggling, contines to provide for us! In my quiet moments, I'm so amazed and thankful for the amazing gift of breath. And let's to this particular year...I am so grateful that I was able to start nurturing my artistic and creative self which I thought was dead, but found it was just dormant--and to all the fabulous people on the internet who provide inspriation and venues of creativity!!! Thank YOU for letting us share this with others! I love reading what others are writing! :)

  11. I am thankful for my daughter, who makes me laugh and learn a little more about myself every single day! I am thankful to be surrounded by people who encourage me to be a better person, to live life to the fullest while still keeping in perspective all the great gifts and opportunities I have been given so that I will never take them for granted.

  12. I do not feel any thankfulness for anything I could/would/did/never had, nor for the people I have/have not/no longer/never did/never should have known. All I know and all I am and everything I will be through the eternities is due only to the lessons I learned through the sometimes good - and often not - blessings ( yes, the ones more commonly known as experiences.) from which my years of exposure are gradually carving and smoothing the contours of the spiritual sculpture I will one day become. Being sculpted is seldom gentle, mostly consisting of hammering, chiseling, breaking, sanding, and possibly a few choice words. Sculpting a piece of dense granite is not likely any picnic for the artist in charge of my formation, either, I suspect.
    ~~ Laurel Anderson (la femme tete de pioche!)

  13. It's so nice to read everyone's thoughts. I am thankful to be healthy, after a serious and sudden illness and long recovery, enough to enjoy life's blessings. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  14. I am thankful for my husband and his job even though he is miserable working there he still chugs on and provides for our family. I am thankful for the health of my family and making it through the swine flu. I am thankful for my two beautiful girls who teach me how to love, learn, and grow each day in ways i never expected. I am also appreciate the use of my index finger now that don't have the use of it for two weeks until the stitches heal. It is amazing how life's little accidents make you appreciate the small things. Lastly I am thankful for my best friend for taking me out for a MNO this week and buying as she knows things are really tight!

  15. I am most thankful for my husband, kids, family, friends, my health, god, and mostly the oppurtunity to be a mommy. My kids mean the world to me. I have the best job in the world to be a stay at home and work at home mommy. I wouldnt trade it for the world, for that I am thankful.

    Erin Kimmons

  16. Even though my husband lost his job and my family of 6 is living with my parents in a 2 bedroom condo (good times:)I have so much to be grateful for. A roof over our heads, food to eat, and clothes to wear. I am so grateful for my wonderful family and how close this experience has made us. I'm grateful that my kids are handling the situation so well and that they are still doing so well in their new school. I'm also grateful for my fabric stash so I could keep creating! Grateful to have that therapy. Life is good and I feel truly blessed. Have a wonderful holiday everyone!!

  17. I'm thankful for my family. My husband is a wonderful partner, friend, and confidant. My son's pouty nose makes me smile everytime I see it. My daughter is so special. She's talented, funny, and fighting a disease daily that most adults struggle with. She handles it with such amazing grace and strength. I've learned a lot from her over the last 21 months. I am especially grateful that dispite all the extra work it takes she is in great health. Her numbers are good and she's thriving. My family is my world and I am thankful I have them.

  18. I am thankful for my family. My husband is a good man, partner, father, and friend. My son's pouty nose makes me smile everytime I see it. My daughter is talented, funny, and fighting everyday against a disease that a lot of adults struggle with. She handles it with amazing grace and strength. I have learned a lot from her over the last 21 months. I am especially thankful that despite all the extra work she is in great health and thriving. I am so grateful for my family. They are my world.
